Monday, 20 February 2017

Narrative Essay

Apply the concept of narrative to one piece of coursework.

Brief overview of piece, what was it? Media type. Film opening called... followed by brief overview of plot. 

Paragraph 1:

Levi Strauss - Binary opposites, the opposites in narration, children and adults, tattooist and consumer. How and why you used it. 

Point: We incorporated Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposites
Evidence: This was shown by juxtaposing the views of old and young
Explanation: The juxtaposition of these views show the divide in generations and how young people are more interested by tattoos than the old 

Paragraph 2:

Bathes - Codes, enigma code, iconography (starbucks etc.)

Point: We incorporated Bathes theory of enigma codes in our final piece
Evidence: The narration and voice over poses lots of open questions to the the audience 
Explanation: Audience want to watch on and try and answer the questions for themselves

Paragraph 3

Todorov - Theory of equilibrium

Point: We purposefully decided not to include Todorov's theory of of equilibrium 

1 comment:

  1. Barthes - with an 'r'
    Give specific examples, what has made the audience ask questions. Talk about the order of shots and the variation of effects and realism. Any typical characters? Teens? for Propp. Does your tattooist meet expectations? How does your doc differ from other docs in terms of style? Equilibrium is disrupted when you change scenes describe the various scenes.
